(clear isabel-he moved me)
Read Wuthering Heights
Ugh, this one is taking forever. I get fifty pages in and then I throw it across the room and have to start over because I have no idea what's going on. I usually love Brontes! Jane Eyre! Come on!!!! This is a classic, I am GOING TO GET THROUGH IT.
Read War and Peace
I really liked Anna Karenina so I figured War and Peace was a good next step. The Russian names can really throw me off though, which is why this is one that I'll have to just sit down and do. I also need to read the Brothers Karamazov, but that didn't make the list-cut.
Read Suite Francaise
I have heard nothing but good things about this book and it looks really interesting.
Read the Sunday New York Times, cover to cover
So cool! What a challenge. What an expensive challenge-isn't it like a four-dollar newspaper? But I could spend a whole day with this paper, apparently.
One week, no gossip blogs or magazines.
This is in effort to try and focus on getting some of the other stuff on the list done, you see.
Meet Will Ferguson and have an intelligent and informed conversation
I LOVE WILL FERGUSON. I have entire chunks of 'How to be a Canadian' and 'Why I Hate Canadians' memorised. I quote him in everyday life. I took the Canadian History for Dummies book he wrote on a missions trip and my teammates laughed at me. He lives in Canada-in fact, I think he lives in Calgary-so the next time he does WordFest or something like that, I am there. I am SO there. (Man, what a fangirl).
Type up and make pretty the French favorite poems for my dorm room.
These are: Roman by Arthur Rimbaud, Liberté by Paul Eluard, Chanson (Si vous n'avez rien à me dire) by Victor Hugo and Hymne à la Beauté by Charles Baudelaire. You French speakers should look them up, they're all beautiful. This is so that I get into the spirit of French residence and whatnot, and I really like these poems. I might frame them and stuff.
One month, no television.
To have more time to read, you see...even though reading is pretty much all I do anyway.
Read the newspaper every day for two weeks.
Keeping informed, keeping informed, keeping infoooooormed!!
next: languages
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